Navigating Sensory Overload
Understanding sensory overload is crucial for those navigating complex needs.
The number one website for all things sensory.
Find out all of the latest information and reviews on available sensory equipment.
Find out all of the latest information and reviews on available sensory toys.
Find out how sensory equipment and sensory toys can be beneficial to you.
Understanding sensory overload is crucial for those navigating complex needs.
Beyond their entertainment value, puzzles offer a multitude of sensory benefits that can positively impact individuals with ASD, autism, and ADHD.
There’s something truly special about music—it’s a gift to us all that brings comfort, connection, and joy to those with ASD.
Every April, the world comes together to observe Autism Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness, promoting acceptance, and fostering understanding
For many, the cinema is a realm of enchantment, where stories unfold on the big screen amidst surround sound and captivating visuals.
Among the various types of play, vestibular sensory play holds a special place. It engages the vestibular system, which is responsible for balance, spatial orientation, and coordination.