What is Autism?

what is autism


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Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a condition that affects how people interact with others and behave. It’s like a spectrum because it can show up in lots of different ways, and some people have it more severely than others. Here are some things you might notice in someone with autism:

Social Stuff

Sometimes, people with autism find it tough to chat with others or understand social cues like facial expressions and body language. Making friends can be tricky for them.


Talking might be a bit tricky too. Some people with autism don’t talk at all, while others have a hard time using words to express themselves. They might repeat certain phrases or words.

Repetitive Actions

You might see them doing the same things over and over, like rocking back and forth or flapping their hands. It’s like their way of feeling comfortable.

Special Interests

People with autism often get super into certain things. They can become experts on topics they love.

Now, let’s talk about sensory stuff. This is a big deal for many folks with autism. Sensory means things related to our senses, like what we see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. Here’s how it fits in:

Sensitive Senses

Some people with autism have super-sensitive senses. So, what might be a regular sound or texture to you can be super intense or even painful for them. This can make them feel overwhelmed, anxious, or even cause them to lose it when there’s too much going on.

Sensory Seekers

On the flip side, some folks with autism are sensory seekers. They love certain sensations and might do things like rocking or stimming to get those feelings.

Sensory Overload

All this sensory stuff can be like a big traffic jam in their brains. It might be tough for them to focus or join in on stuff because there’s just too much sensory info coming in at once.

So, when we’re talking about autism, it’s important to think about how sensory stuff plays a role. We need to understand that everyone with autism is different. Some may need quiet spaces or sensory toys to help them feel comfortable, while others might need a bit more action to stay engaged. The key is to pay attention to what each person with autism needs and what makes them feel good and safe.

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